Seattleites take their food seriously. They're always on the lookout for new and exciting flavors, and each have their own secret favorites for great food. So, it's no surprise that when Reddit user u/Thorough_Good_Man asked members of the subreddit r/Seattle to share their "single favorite food item in the whole city" more than 500 people responded.

We've collected some of the top answers below, starting with the original user's question and own responses. First up is a pick for both the breakfast biscuit at PCC Community Markets and the panko-crusted fish and chips from Salty's.
The top answer seems to be Petra Bistro in Belltown, with lots of love being shared for the red lentil soup by this user and many others.
Next up is a big fan of the pastrami at Tat's Delicatessen.
After Tat's Delicatessen, there were lots of users in agreement that the Seattle Dog is pretty great. We've skipped that here because it isn't linked to a specific restaurant, but we will share the next location, Un Bien. Many people responded to this particular recommendation specifically noting the corn from Un Bien.
User u/h2o_girl added not one, but four recommendations from The Pink Door, Café Munir, Palace Kitchen, and "the place in the market."
Last but not least, user u/colonel_mustard_cat shared what we have to assume to be a recommendation for Dick's Drive-In.
There were hundreds of additional suggestions, including comments of support for those featured in this story and other great recommendations. For the full list, click on any post above to read the entire conversation.